Social Responsibility

Company Today

The Composite Mouldings Group is currently run by a family management team. This family atmosphere has created a friendly business which employees at the company enjoy. The low turnover in staff is testament to this. But the company also finds it important to support the local community in Southampton and has been working extensively with schools, colleges and universities to invest and help the next generation who are interested or trying to get into the industry.


The management team see profit in Three ways; investing in people, investing in the community and investing in the future growth of the company.

It is in the company’s interest to train staff and we maintain a ratio of 2:1 for every experienced staff member to an apprentice or trainee. The company also feels it important to work with Educational bodies to help the next generation into the industry.


This approach is something we take personally and we will continue to support our community and industry.

Warwick Buckley
Managing Director

Want to talk to me about community or youth projects? email or call Warwick on 02380 660770.