CML build Oyster 118 Deck

CML build Oyster 118 Deck

It was a busy start to the year for Composite Manufacturing and Design Ltd (CML) as they built the Deck moulding for Oyster’s flagship model the 118, a 37 metre luxury sailing yacht encompassing all of Oysters signature design features. CML built the deck and bimini-mainly of a Vinylester cored E-Glass construction with a carbon fibre structure. Although the hull, deck and bimini are hand laid, the floors and integral elements are resin infused.

Due to restriction with door widths at CML’s main building at Marchwood, Southampton the 118ft deck moulding was built offsite in a location which interestingly was a WW2 air hanger on the historic airfield of Daedalus in Lee-on-Solent. The old cinema in the building was turned into a machining shop!

CML completed the project in 5 months with a core team of 10. The vessel was built under DNV-GL approval. CML utilised all its capabilities with parts being infused and CNC machduined at Marchwood and delivered to Daedalus.

The deck has now been moved to Oysters fit out facility at Merlin Quay, Woolston. After a 4 month fit out the deck will be barged further up the Itchen River to Saxon Wharf where she will be fitted onto the hull. The first 118-01 is due for delivery in Spring 2018.

CML are a DNV-GL approved builder based in Southampton, UK. Manufacturing plugs, moulds and mouldings for a diverse range of industries in Polyester, Vinylester and Epoxy. They have a climate controlled facility, ISO 9001 QMS and employ controlled hand lay, wet vac and resin infusion build methods. With their in house design capabilities and CNC machine they can accurately produce parts and give technical support for clients.

For more information, please call +44 2380 660770 or email